• Safrizal * Banda Aceh, Indonesia
  • Asriwati Amirah North Sumatra, Indonesia
Keywords: Surveillance, Hajj Health, High risk


 Indonesian Hajj pilgrims have a high risk and therefore need attention during the pilgrimage departure and pilgrimage travel. Organizing the Epidemiological Surveillance System aims to obtain information that can be used as a material in planning, controlling, monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the pilgrimage, especially in the health sector. This study aims to describe the implementation of the Hajj epidemiological surveillance system in the Banda Aceh embarkation based on characteristics age, sex, and high-risk health status. This research uses the descriptive method with a cross-sectional design. Respondents were implementers of the hajj health epidemiology surveillance program at the Banda Aceh hajj pilgrimage in 2019 M/1440 H. Data sources are primary data and secondary data. The results showed that the data collection component in the form of data on prospective pilgrims examined was 4680 (100%), the age of most pilgrims aged 50-59 years 1699 (36.30%), pilgrims most female sex 2779 (59.38) %), examination of pregnancy with negative results of 1328 people and 2 people positive pregnancy, while the pilgrim category in the observation of 3833 (81.90%), prospective pilgrims have health status including high risk, yellow color 2046 (53.37%). While most types of diseases are circulatory diseases 264 (54.28%) and endocrine and metabolic diseases 62 (12.65%). The program used to process data is the Hajj Integrated Computer Health System (SISKOHATKES) which is carried out online. The output of Hajj health surveillance is in the form of information dissemination in the form of reports and feedback from the health department, Community Health Center (Puskesmas) and the Ministry of Religion at the end of the hajj season through monthly meetings.

Author Biographies

Safrizal *, Banda Aceh, Indonesia

Port Class III Health Office, Banda Aceh, Indonesia

Asriwati Amirah, North Sumatra, Indonesia

Helvetia Health Institute, North Sumatra, Indonesia


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How to Cite
*, S., & Amirah, A. (2019). IMPLEMENTATION OF SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM BASED ON CHARACTERISTICS AND HEALTH STATUS OF HAJJ PILGRIMS CANDIDATES OF BANDA ACEH (BTJ) IN 2019. IJO - International Journal of Health Sciences and Nursing ( ISSN: 2814-2098 ), 2(09), 01-10. Retrieved from