• Hasratuddin Siregar N
  • Rahmi Hayati Almuslim University
  • Asrul Karim Almuslim University
  • Facrurazi * Almuslim University
  • Marzuki * Almuslim University
  • Sumarlin Mangandar Marianus Katolik Santo Thomas University
Keywords: control analysi, learning process, state elementary school


The focus of this article is on a process and outcome analysis of teaching at the District 5 JuliElementary School in the city of Bireuen. The point is to figure out if the end result of a process matches the initial expectations, or if the process is still progressing toward meeting those standards or performing as expected. The educational process is a procedure whose implementation and results must be monitored in order to provide outcomes that are in keeping with the desired goals and standards of quality. For this reason, it's intriguing to ponder how debating the legitimacy of an event based on ostensibly objective data, how to make crucial data easily digestible for those who need to see it, and how to analyze data accurately with appropriate statistics will give us a schematic of a process's workings that's both detailed and accessible. However, the data used are authentic data, such as the results of the National Exam taken by students at 5 JuliElementary School, bireuen district from 2013/2014 to 2017/2018 in four subject areas (mathematics, Indonesian, English, and Natural Science).

Author Biographies

Rahmi Hayati, Almuslim University

Primary Teacher Education, 

Asrul Karim, Almuslim University

Primary Teacher Education, 

Facrurazi *, Almuslim University

Primary Teacher Education,

Marzuki *, Almuslim University

Primary Teacher Education,

Sumarlin Mangandar Marianus, Katolik Santo Thomas University

Primary Teacher Education,


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How to Cite
Siregar N, H., Hayati, R., Karim, A., *, F., *, M., & Marianus, S. M. (2023). CONTROL OF THE LEARNING PROCESS AT DISTRICT 5 JULY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, BIREUEN. IJO - International Journal of Mathematics (ISSN: 2992-4421 ), 6(01), 08-13. Retrieved from