The Dynamics of Socio-Political Conflict and National Disintegration in Sudan

  • Mohammed A. N. A. Imam Yobe State University, Nigeria
Keywords: Conflict, Dynamics, Disintegration, Ethnicity, Sociopolitical, Sudan


Sociopolitical conflict in Sudan have been prevalent for long time. Most parts of the country have experienced the conflict at different ways, forms and times. These conflicts have arisen primarily as a result of Sudanese political elite’s misuse of political power, country diversity andhas been the former’s continuous economic, political and cultural marginalization. The paper examines the dynamics of sociopolitical conflict on national integration in Sudan. The methodology adopted for this study involved qualitative data that were gathered from secondary sources, such as books, journals, websites and content exploratory. The results of the study revealed that national integration, unity, stability and peaceful coexistence cannot be achieved in an environment where some groups believes that they are different and even they super from others. Also the findings of the study explore the major dynamics that promote the conflict includes politicization of ethnicity and tribalism, political communalism, inequality in a national resources distribution, cultural distinctions  as well as some national institutions contributed to national disintegration of the country since independence up to date. Based on the major findings, the paper recommended that Sudanese political leaders and elites including military officers should carefully adopt the process of citizenship instead of focuson sociopolitical and economic exploitation. There is need for introducing comprehensive and proper economic developmentstrategy to reduce marginalization and periphery areas tensions, as well as a faire wealth and resources sharing among Sudanese equally.

Author Biography

Mohammed A. N. A. Imam, Yobe State University, Nigeria

Department of Sociology, 


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