The Influences of Women Participation in Decision Making in Storage and Crops marketing in Rural of Bara and Um Rowaba localities, North Kordofan State- Sudan.

  • prof maryoud
  • Attika M. E. Marouf
  • Gaafar B. Suliman
  • Elzubair E. Elzain
  • Mohammed Y. Abdalla
  • Maruod E. Maruod
Keywords: Chi-square, Stratified sampling, Significant, influence, Decision


The current Study was conducted in Um Rowaba and Bara localities of North Kordofan State. The objective of the study was to assess the influence of women participation in decision making in storage and crop marketing. The study used stratified simple random sampling techniques. Data were analyzed via descriptive statistics, tables of frequencies and cross-tabulation. Chi-square was used to test the association between the variables. Chi-square results revealed that age of women plays significant role (p<0.01) in influencing their participation in decision making in storage and crops marketing. Older and middle aged women tend to make the final decision, whereas fewer of the younger ones participate in final decision making. The results also revealed that social status of women significantly influence their roles in participation in decision making in storage and crops marketing (p<0.01). The divorced and widows were in position that made them make final decision more than married and younger unmarried women. .The result of chi-square revealed that being family sponsorship significantly (p<0.05) influences the role of women in participation in decision making in storage and crops marketing. Women who sponsor their families tend to make final decision in a way more than other women who had no responsibilities towards their families. The result showed that family size significantly (p<0.01) influences the role of women in participation in decision making in storage and crops marketing. Women who came from big families tend to make final decision more than women who came from medium sized and smaller families. The results revealed that education level of women had no influences in the role of their participation in decision making in storage and crops marketing. Two-third of women who received secondary education and half of women who attend basic and illiterates tend to make final decision. These differences were not significant (p>0.05). The result of chi-square revealed that the state of land ownership had no influence on participation of women in decision making in storage and crops marketing, these differences were not significant (p>0.05). Result of chi-square revealed that involvement of women in institutional organization in the study area had no influence in their participation in decision making in storage and crops marketing. This difference was not significant (p>0.05). Study concluded that certain socio-economic factors encourage women farmer to participate positively in farm management and decision making.

Author Biographies

Attika M. E. Marouf

Ministry of Agri. IFAD project, Elobeid, Sudan

Gaafar B. Suliman

University of Kordofan, Faculty of Natural resources and Environmental studies, Department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development, Elobied , Sudan.

Elzubair E. Elzain

University of Kordofan, Faculty of Natural resources and Environmental studies, Department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development, Elobied , Sudan.

Mohammed Y. Abdalla

University of Kordofan, Faculty of Education, Elobied, Sudan

Maruod E. Maruod

University of Kordofan, Faculty of Natural resources and Environmental studies, Department of Agricultural economics and rural development,Elobeid,Sudan.


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How to Cite
maryoud, prof, Marouf, A., Suliman, G., Elzain, E., Abdalla, M., & Maruod, M. (2019). The Influences of Women Participation in Decision Making in Storage and Crops marketing in Rural of Bara and Um Rowaba localities, North Kordofan State- Sudan. IJO - International Journal of Agriculture and Research ( ISSN 2814-189X ), 2(02), 33-46. Retrieved from