Trends in the prevalence of childhood malnutrition and malaria infection among pre-school children in Internal Displaced Persons (IDPs) Camp Maiduguri, Borno State.


malaria infection
trends in the prevalence

How to Cite

Benisheikh, A. A. G., Bukar, F. L., Bukar, H. L., Mallam, U. B., Muhammad, F. M., & Mustapha, H. I. (2019). Trends in the prevalence of childhood malnutrition and malaria infection among pre-school children in Internal Displaced Persons (IDPs) Camp Maiduguri, Borno State. IJO - International Journal of Biological Science (ISSN: 2992-4413 ), 2(09), 01-10. Retrieved from


Malaria is a major cause of death in tropical and sub-tropical countries, killing each year over 1 million people globally; with a higher mortality rate occur in African children.The number of malaria cases worldwide seemsto be increasing; due to increasing transmission risk in areas where qualitative dietary has declined thus the parasite multiplies at the expense of the host nutrients for their development.The objective of the study was to assess malaria parasite mortality rate and nutritional trends among displaced pre-school population living in three IDPs camps in Maiduguri (Dalori 39 (37.1%), Bakasi 37 (35.2%) and Muna 29 (27.7%) camps) respectively. Variable assessed were blood films for PCV, weight-for-age, height-for-age and mid-upper-arm circumference for nutritional profile. Weight, height, upper-mid-arm circumference were determined using weighing scale, standometer and Shakir’s strip respectively. A total of 105 pre-school children in IDPs camps were studied, 65 (61.9%) were males and 40 (38.0%) were females, 69 (65.7%) of the children were between the age of 12 and 59 months whereas 36 (34.3%) infants. Out of the 105 pre-school children’s blood sample examined for malaria parasite assay, 68 (64.8%) were positive while 37(35.2%) were negative. Out of the 24 infants examined, 13 (12.4%) had malaria parasite in their blood film results; likewise 55 (52.4%) of 81 pre-school were infected. Out of the 61 males enrolled in the studies, 20 (19.0%) were infected with malaria parasites whereas 44 (45.7%) out of 48 female examined infected respectively. Besides, highest positive malaria parasites infection were recorded in males compared to females although the difference were not found to be statistically significant(p>0.005). The nutritional profile of the IDPs camps children using mid-upper-arm circumference indicated out of the 68 infected children 13 were severely malnourished, followed by 21 children moderately malnourished and 34 children were normal respectively. Whereas Out of the 37 non infected children 11 children were severely malnourished, followed by 13 children moderately malnourished and 13 children were normal respectively. The results indicate no statistically significant difference in malaria parasite presents or vice versa when well nourished and wasted were considered(p>0.005). ). However, there is statistically significant difference between anemic and non anemic children( p=0.001). Thus, the study showed a strong correlation between age, anaemia, and prevalence of malaria parasite among pre-school children in IDPs camps in Maiduguri. 



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