• Erinle Olusola Oyetunde Federal University of Technology,
Keywords: occupational stress, marital satisfaction, role conflict, age, work experience


This study was designed to investigate the influence of occupational stress, roleconflict, sex, age and work experience on marital satisfaction among nurses in
University of Medical Science Teaching Hospital Akure. The study utilises the
descriptive survey design. 200 respondents purposively drawn among married
nurses working in UNIMED Teaching Hospital, Akure participated in the study. The
instruments used for the study were standardized questionnaire which include
Enrich Marital Satisfaction scale, Job related tension inventory and Work family
conflict scale. The data obtained from the study were analysed using independent ttest, ANCOVA and ANOVA to test all the hypotheses raised for the study at 0.05 level
of significance. The result of the study revealed that occupational stress has no
significant influence on marital satisfaction t (1 98) = .1 78, p> 0.05. The study
revealed further that there is no significant influence of occupational stress on
marital satisfaction F(1 ,1 98) =.032 p> .05 with the interference of role conflict with
occupational stress there is still no significant influence of occupational stress on
marital satisfaction F(1 ,1 97)=.023 p>.05. Also there is no significant influence of
stress on marital satisfaction F(1 ,1 94)= .1 48 p>.05. Subsequently, there is no
significant influence of age on marital satisfaction F(2,1 94) =.992 p> .05. There is no
significant joint influence of sex and age on marital satisfaction F(2,1 1 94)= .21 9
p>.05. Finally work experience has no significant influence on marital satisfaction
F(4,1 95)=1 .96 p>.05. Based on the findings of this study it was concluded that
occupational stress, work experience, age, sex and role conflict does not influence
marital satisfaction. The researcher recommended that since all the variables did not
significantly influence marital satisfaction, the future researcher could look into the
area of choice of marriage, personality, cultural background, sexual intimacy and
religious adherence to work on. Also, Nurses and health workers should try as much
possible to strike a balance between their office and family responsibilities; none
should be taken with levity as role managed well will not influence marital

Author Biography

Erinle Olusola Oyetunde, Federal University of Technology,

University Health Centre, Akure,Ondo State, Nigeria


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How to Cite
Oyetunde, E. O. (2023). INFLUENCE OF OCCUPATIONAL STRESS, ROLE-CONFLICT, SEX, AGE AND WORK EXPERIENCE ON MARITAL SATISFACTION AMONG NURSES IN UNIMED TEACHING HOSPITAL, AKURE. IJO - International Journal of Health Sciences and Nursing ( ISSN: 2814-2098 ), 6(01), 01-19. Retrieved from