Social culture of the schizophrenic patient in Algerian society

  • Meliouh Khalida Université Mohamed Khaider
  • Gourmat Narimane Université Mohamed Khaider
  • Hadjlakehal Radhia Université Mohamed Khaider
Keywords: Social culture, Schizophrenia, Algerian society


In this paper, we highlight the pathological culture of psychiatric and mental illnesses. We refer to schizophrenia in Algerian society, where society's culture of schizophrenia is mainly caused by magic, envy and evil spirit, even the thoughts of the schizophrenic patient.

Society's culture attributes the causes of various psychological and mental disorders to many metaphysical factors.


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How to Cite
Khalida, M., Narimane, G., & Radhia, H. (2023). Social culture of the schizophrenic patient in Algerian society. IJO - International Journal of Health Sciences and Nursing ( ISSN: 2814-2098 ), 6(12), 69-78. Retrieved from