• Dr Sutarman STMIK Triguna Utama
  • Ignatius Joko Dewanto Sera High School of Educational Sciences
  • Yudha Abimany School of Management Computer Science
  • Nur Azizah
Keywords: Modeling ATC, Dashboard Using Real Time, Business Intelligence


Air Traffic Control (ATC) started in 1922, Indonesia Flight system around 1980, The rapid development of development is a company MITRE partnership network. Unfortunately, ATC Dashboard is a research done in order to implement a dashboard system that can help ATC officers Aziza and ATC Chief in making decisions, especially in arranging the landing aircraft based on the information on the ATC Dashboard. The ATC system now is able to create an estimate time of aircraft to enter the initial gate of arrival in the air, but only one aircraft data is displayed in the ATC system so it takes time to apply to all aircraft. This paper, proposes a solution ATC Dashboard with Real-time Business Intelligence is a function generated from ETL (extract, transform and loading) process is performed using the Change Data Capture (CDC) approach to change data over a certain period so the data can be moved in real-time on ATC Server. The aim this study is to provide the acceptable ATC Dashboard quality that can be used by the ATC officer and ATC Chief in order to help them making decisions, and hopefully, this can be example for other airports in arranging landing aircrafts. This research contribution in providing real-time information on Management Traffic Controller (MTC) Aircraft, especially real-time BI using Kimball to make information ATC officer and chief.


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How to Cite
Sutarman, D., Joko Dewanto, I., Abimany, Y., & Azizah, N. (2019). MODELING OF AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL (ATC) DASHBOARD USING REAL TIME BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE. IJO -International Journal of Business Management ( ISSN 2811-2504 ), 2(11), 01-16. Retrieved from