Submission and Web-based Decision Support System Web Using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) In PDBPR Kerta Raharja
The need for information is increasing not only to corporations but also to government agencies. Therefore required information system to assist employee performance in managing data effectively and efficiently. One of them in credit lending activities running on PD BPR Kerta Raharja Branch Balaraja which is still manual and not computerized properly. In this case the use of Decision Support System is needed in the credit lending decision. Supporters of the crediting decisions used in PD BPR Kerta Raharja Balaraja Branch based on survey and surveyor results and have not used the accurate method of selecting creditor candidates. Therefore it is necessary to use a method capable of supporting decision making more quickly, precisely and accurately. One of them is using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method because this method is one method that can perform multiple criteria and detail with a comprehensive framework of thinking in the consideration of hierarchy process which then performed weight calculation for each criterion such as (condition of economy, Character, capital, capacity, collateral) compared to sub-criteria (good, good enough and less) in determining creditworthiness. This research was conducted by observation method, interview and literature study. And the data obtained in the analysis using the Strength Method, Weakness, Opportunities, Treatment (SWOT) in describing the running system diagram procedure. The result of this research by applying new system to PD BPR Kerta Raharja Branch Balaraja, and make the process of credit submission become more effective and data obtained more accurate.
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