Anempirical comparative study of novel approaches for software defect prediction on class imbalance datasets
Software Defect Prediction using data mining techniques is one of the best practices for finding defective modules. The on hand classification techniques can be used for efficient knowledge discovery on class balance datasets. The data in the real world are not completely balance in nature as any one of the class predominantly increases in ratio with other class. This type of data sources are known as class imbalance or skewed data sources. The defect prediction rate for the class imbalance datasets reduces with the increases in the class imbalance nature. The proposed algorithms consists of a novel oversampling, under sampling techniques implemented by removing noisy and weak instances from both majority and minority for better performance of class imbalance data streams. We conduct experiments on software defect datasets with class imbalance nature on three methods using four evaluation measures. The generated results suggest that the problem of class imbalanced software defect datasets can be effectively solved.
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