The role of strategic planning in human resources development Study at AlBalqa Appliied University

  • yazeed theeb mohammad
  • Rasha Abd Alhaleem Khrisat


The aim of the study was to identify the contribution of strategic planning on human resources to the achievement of the organizations objectives by conducting  astudy  at Al-Balqa Aplied University, from which the reality of strategic planning to human resources in universities was revealed by the field of study in setting the objectives of the work, we have proposed recommendations, including providing universities with all the modern technological means of strategic planning and establishing strategic planning management units at universities. The aim of the study was to reveal the clarity of the scientific concept of strategic planning in human resources management at Balqa Applied University and its impact on their degree of human resources planning activities. This study came as an attempt by a researcher to identify the reality of human resources planning under strategic planning in the sample study. The following problematic study was presented to what extent strategic human resources planning contributes to the goals of the Balqa Applied University. The researcher distributed 386 search form for staff of Al-Balqa Aplied University, However, the researcher retrieved only 227 forms and returned the result of the analysis. This demonstrates the important role that strategic planning plays in human resources development.

Author Biography

Rasha Abd Alhaleem Khrisat

Master Degree


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