• Iim Wasliman Nusantara Islamic University
  • Cecep Hilman STAI Sukabumi
  • Hanafiah * Nusantara Islamic University
  • Supian Syauri Nusantara Islamic University
Keywords: Strategic, Quality Improvement, Graduates


The factor of the low quality of graduate school graduates is due to poor management. The purpose of this study is to describe and provide strategic related scientific contributions in improving the quality of graduate school graduates through (1). SWOT analysis (2). Strategic planning, (2). Strategic implementation, (3). Strategic evaluation. Descriptive qualitative research methods. Collection techniques through (a). Interview, (b). Observation (c). Documentation. Data analysis was carried out by selecting and sorting answers to the data obtained later. The problems faced are the low quality of human resources, limited costs, lack of current campus facilities. The culture of tridharma quality such as scientific work, learning, coding. The results of this study are: (1). Strategic planning by analyzing internal and external factors. (2). Strategic implementation is elaborated by realizing work programs in the short, medium and long term. (3). Strategic evaluation is carried out by monitoring planned, measurable, through semester, mid-semester, year-end evaluations every 3 years and 5 years. (4). Quality control is carried out by quality assurance and campus quality control. The conclusion of this study shows that the strategic quality improvement of graduate school graduates has analyzed strategic planning, formulation, implementation, evaluation and continuous quality control.


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