Social Media and Arabic Students Academic Performance in Southwest Nigerian Universities

  • DR. A.R. AMINULLAHI Bamidele Olumilua University of Education, Science and Technology
Keywords: Application, Challenges, Social media, Students, South-West, Nigeria


This study investigated the use of social media by Arabic students in South-West Nigerian universities. The study examined meaning of social media, application of social media, examples of social media, benefits of social media and the challenges of social media, The study found that the students are aware of the social media tools as majority from the institutions frequently use Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram on daily basis and Blog, YouTube, Flickr were used on weekly basis. Also, constraints such as cyber-bullying, lack of privacy, time wasting, addiction, being distracted were some of the highlighted problems encountered by the universities in the use of social media tools for educational activities. Conclusion and recommendations were made based on the findings.

Author Biography

DR. A.R. AMINULLAHI, Bamidele Olumilua University of Education, Science and Technology

Dept. of Language Education, School of Multi-Disciplinary Studies,


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